9 Inch Lower Female Tele-Pole for Laptop Mount Systems
Product Code: RAM-VP-TBF9U
Price: $27.99
The RAM-VP-TBF9U is a 9 inch female lower tele-pole used on many of the RAM Mount vehicle laptop mount systems. RAM-VP-TBF9U shown above.
RAM-VP-TBF9U Features:
Warranty: Manufacturer's, RAM Mounts (National Products Inc.), Limited Life Time Warranty.
Lower Tele-Pole Description:The RAM Tele-Pole 9 inch tall female tube base has a square plate base that will connect to many of the RAM-VB No-Drill and Drill plate bases, as well as RAM-VP-TTMXX and RAM-VP-TTMFXX top tele-poles.
Lower Tele-Pole Dimensions:
A = 1.375'' Outside Diameter
B = 3.5'' Square plate
C = 9'' Tall
NOTE: The RAM-VP-TBF9U is commonly used with the RAM-VP-TTM8U upper Tele-Pole to form a complete Tele-Pole assembly.